Bundle, Verified & Akademia — 3 Awesome Mobile App for Readers

If you like to read, follow world news, or learn new things. I want to show you three apps that are made for this.
Are you ready? Let’s start!

Bundle is an app that you can read news from the categories and websites you choose. Bundle has many language options, you can find resources from all over the world. Also, it has a search mechanism that allows you to search the topics you want to read.
Download Link: 👉http://bit.ly/12bundle12

Verified is a mobile application developed by Sertifier. Users can view, verify and store their badges and certificates by using Verified; they can also add their education and experience data and create a live CV.
Download Link:

Akademia is a mobile application for those who like to read about specific topics like anthropology, astronomy, biology, etc. Unlike Bundle the contents inside Academia are written by Akademia authors. Akademia has 2 different apps:
1.Akademia Turkish:
2.Akademia English: