Google Maps React Integration — Pining Locations

When I first heard about “google-map “react integration I thought it will go like this;😃
<iframe src="" title="Google Maps"></iframe>
It won’t work this easy but don’t worry also it’s not that complex. So let's get started!
First, create a react project with “npx create-react-app …”. Actually, I won't explain these parts so just clean your src file (except your App.js and index.js)
Then install google-map-react with npm or yarn;
npm i google-map-react
yarn add google-map-react
then go to your App.js file — make the imports and create a “GoogleMapReact” component
import GoogleMapReact from 'google-map-react';//inside return<GoogleMapReactbootstrapURLKeys={{ key:''}}defaultCenter={coordinates}center={coordinates}defaultZoom={8}margin={[10, 10, 10, 10]}options={""}// onChildClick={""}>
This code will create a map but it will be empty — for enabling the map you must get an API key.
bootstrapURLKeys={{ key:''}}
and put inside here. So where you will get the API key.
First, just go to Google Clouds Platform —
Then create an account. If you have one make sure your billing is open. For starting your billing go to billings and start your 300$ free trial.
After the accounting process go to API’s part:

Search for Maps Javascript API

then activate — after activation, it redirects you to the API page — choose credentials and click new key.
Copy the key and paste it into your project
Styling Map
options={{ disableDefaultUI: true, zoomControl: true, styles: mapStyles }}
Change the options part like this and go to Choose one of them and paste the styling inside your styles.js file

My favorite Assasin’s Creed 4 👉