How to Add an Interactive Map to Your React.js Project— Mapbox “react-map-gl”(Hooks)

Ahmet Arda Orak
2 min readMar 10, 2022

Create an account from

Take your token -you may use the first public token that it shows you on the dashboard- or create a new one

Chose map style from the “styles” section or you can design one.


import ReactMapGL, { Marker, Popup } from "react-map-gl";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

First, import the ReactMapGL property from “react-map-gl”;


const [viewport, setViewport] = useState({
latitude: 29.01182,
longitude: 13.12723,
zoom: 8,
width: "500px",
height: "500px"

Create a state named viewport including latitude, longitude, and zoom values.

React Map GL

//inside return<ReactMapGL{...viewport}mapboxApiAccessToken=""
onViewportChange={(viewport) => setViewport(viewport)}

Call viewport inside <ReactMapGL/>

Paste the API token inside mapboxApiAccessToken=`` and paste the style link inside mapStyle=`` but using a .env file would be more secure than pasting the token directly to the App.js file.

Marker Example

offsetLeft={-3.5 * viewport.zoom}
offsetTop={-7 * viewport.zoom}

You can create Markers and make your map more interactive.

Example Map

The resulting project might seem like this!

That's! All thank you for reading!



Ahmet Arda Orak

Entrepreneur 📍 Leader At Young Leaders Over The Horizon 📍 Web Developer 📍 Mobile App Developer