Our New SAT Words Book!- by Acverm

Ahmet Arda Orak
2 min readJun 25, 2022

Mastering the words for the SAT exam is a cornerstone. As creators who are aware of this, we have collected 600+ important words situated in the 10 Practice Tests published by the COLLEGE BOARD and published them into a book for you! Our authors have compiled explanations, examples, and instructive practices for you.


Having a strong knowledge of vocabulary is essential to get a high score on the SAT. If an unfamiliar word in a passage appears, you may struggle while trying to find the correct answer to a question. The vocabulary in this book was carefully picked out from the Official Practice tests published by the CollegeBoard. Knowing these words will help you immensely while preparing for the SAT.

But how will you memorize all these words? We recommend you work through approximately 15 words a day. On the first day, learn the first 15 words, carefully read the examples and then work through the practice section. On the second day, review the 15 words you studied the day before and jot down the words you got stuck on. Read their meanings and examples again. After you feel confident about those words, start learning the next 15 words, read the examples, and do the practice section. On the third day, review the 15 words from the day before and jot down the ones you struggled with, study them again, the same way as before. After that, study the new 15 words and so on.

To make your studying the most beneficial, it’s helpful to see the words you’ve learned in context. Reading through our examples will help immensely. To get the best results for your studying, it’s extremely important to read a lot of books or passages. Make sure you spend at least 30 minutes a day reading a book or an essay. This will help you encounter the words in this book in different contexts and also boost your reading speed and comprehension skills.

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Ahmet Arda Orak

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